Hello to all,
Monday afternoon saw my butt planted in my recliner, waiting before leaving for my first Medicare wellness check. I was half watching the television and half thinking about the week of sunny skies and mid-seventies temperatures. A little leisurely peace before trudging off to the doctor’s office settled my soul.
Ginger, our ever-faithful but very entitled dog, spotted me enjoying the moment and decided she required to go outside for the umpteenth time that day. She saunters in front of me with a moan of discontent because I did not anticipate her needs. Nothing makes her want to go out like me sitting comfortably in front of the TV and enjoying a quiet moment.
With a grumble under my breath and an outward groan of having my quiet time disturbed, I climbed out of my chair. Ginger jumped at my feet with anticipation like she hadn’t just came in ten minutes before. She barged the utility room door open and raced to the exit with the urgency of a nurse facing a code blue. I let her out and go back to my chair.
Ten blissful minutes later, Tammy howls to me, “Is Ginger outside?”
“Yeah,” I shout back. “almost ten minutes ago.”
Then I heard, “Crap, crap, crap,” as Tammy scurried for the back door. I heard Tammy calling for her baby from the back deck as our daughter raced to the family room, through the utility room, and out the dog’s door. I jump from my chair as panic alarmed all over our home.
Upon reaching Ginger’s door, I see her nonchalantly meandering through the neighbor's yard 500 feet from home. Without a care in the world, our dog, usually leashed, was sniffing and sight-seeing the trees and bushes she had visualized throughout her years.
Mom made her way to the side yard as our daughter ran after her four-legged sister. Ginger playfully started back home, avoiding her sister's attempts to catch her. Her furry face radiated, “What’s all the fuse about?” as she returned to the house. Her leash was in good working order, and we still do not know how she made the great escape, but she did.
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God bless,
Danny Mac