Hello to all,
Ginger entered our lives twelve years ago. It quickly became apparent that she was entitled, thinking she was the queen of the house. She also self-appointed herself Lord Protector, with a special emphasis on Mom.
While Ginger spends countless minutes staring out the window, her ears remain constantly vigilant for intruders violating her realm, extending as far as her eyes can see. She scours the neighborhood for robbers, thugs, and other evil-doers, but her primary source of righteous indignation is the brown, blue, and white panel trucks stopping within her listening world.
As Mom’s personal protector from all that is evil, Ginger will follow her throughout the house, monitoring her every movement. Whether Mom goes to the kitchen or the bathroom, Ginger watches her every step, protecting her against the wickedness in our world. Despite my claim, it is because Mom accidentally, on purpose, drops treats for her all day long; they both insist it is for Mom’s safety.
The other day, Mom came down to get her second cup of morning tea. There was no pitter-patter of clawed paws tapping across the kitchen floor. The chai came out of the pantry, and still, there was no sign of the great protector. On my way to the bathroom, I find the sugar-faced dog napping on her third bed in the craft room. I gave her grief for sleeping on the job, pointing out how Mom was in the kitchen, vulnerable to many harms. With the low groan of an elderly dog, she left to fulfill her mission in life.
I want to thank everyone who reads my blogs. I hope they bring a little joy to your life. If you like my blogs, please subscribe for email distribution at www.dannymacauthor.com.
God bless,
Danny Mac