Hello to all,
An old adage states, "A dog is man’s best friend." This conjures images of a faithful dog lying beside a gray-bearded male with a gentle fire flickering behind them or a dog accompanying the mighty hunter on a cool autumn morning. I picture the mighty dog rising to defend the family with the fatherly man directly behind the intimidating canine. I remember the classics like Lassie and Rin-Tin-Tin. What man didn’t cry at the end of Old Yeller?
A dog remaining steadily by the side of a man dates back to the earliest history of humans. That being said, a new phenomenon has developed in recent years of dogs being untrue, back-stabbing, and downright unfaithful. The first of these moments of lying dogs involve supper time and food in general. Our Ginger waits impatiently every evening for her supper. Starting at least an hour before the appointed time, she sits in the center of the house, exposes the saddest face she can mustard, and acts like she hasn’t eaten in over a week.
If an outsider saw the maltreatment expressed on the lying dog’s face, they would be outraged and call the ASPCA, PETA, and the county dog warden on us. Ginger has mastered the staving waif look many years ago. It has paid off on several occasions, with Dad feeding her and, ten minutes later, Mom feeding her. We learn this trick, to her dismay, and communicate quite effectively before feeding her every evening. That does not stop her from using her infamous sad face to scam us out of a second meal.
The second dishonest trick lying dogs efficiently master is when a quest visits, and they act like nobody has petted them in months or years. The slightly moistened eyes implore the seated guest to scratch them behind the ear, on top of the head or give a good butt rub. The lying dog shamelessly moves from person to person around the room, acting as if the visiting friend didn’t just see another person in the room love them up. Without remorse, the lying dog will push her head into the lap of the second person on the couch and express, “I ain't had no lovin' since January, February, June, or July.”
Dogs are faithful family members with dark exceptions regarding meals and attention. Then, they become lying dogs intent on gaining the system for their own benefit. The worst part of this situation is that I always fall for it.
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God bless,
Danny Mac